Hair Problems

Hair problems such as the losing of hair has been a serious problem amongst many people. However, dropping 50 to 100 strands a day is considered normal. If you notice some hair fall from washing, brushing or combing, do not be alarmed. An Asian on average has about 100.000 strands of hair that are condensed on the scalp.

There are also certain hair problems that people are desperately afraid of such as having head lice. This would cause your head to be extremely itchy, and when you have this condition, you would find nits, which are smooth, oval shaped balls attached to the side of the hair shaft. These are adult lice eggs, so if they are not removed, they would grow into adult lice. Removal of nits can be the easiest way to rid your hair of lice. This can be done with a very fine-toothed comb, made specifically for this purpose, as well as a lot of patience and tedious work.

There are even hair problems such as hair acne present! Yes, acne doesn't only appear on your face. You can use a skin cleanser containing salicylic acid on a
cotton ball and apply it only on the breakout area. Most of these cleansers are very stripping and will dry the hair out completely, so keep to the target area and rinse the cleanser thoroughly. As an option, and since many people with acne breakouts on the scalp also have oily scalp conditions, you can use your oily scalp shampoo and follow up with an astringent or acne treatment containing salicylic acid applied directly on the blemish area with a cotton ball or pad. It is important to remember that you don't want to use those acne products containing benzoil peroxide or other peroxide ingredients on the scalp because of the potential for altering the hair color. This is doubly important if you have color-treated or chemically-textured hair which is already more porous than virgin (untreated) hair.

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However, getting head lice or hair acne isn't that common among people. The most common hair problems encountered are hair loss and dandruff hair which will be explained in the subsequent pages.